Razzy Matazzed

★彡 22, she/they/it, Indian, SCARY QUEER
★彡 Doing my B. Tech still!
★彡 V-artist and rigger
★彡 Loves Pixel art
★彡 Loves animals, fursonas and cute creechurs
★彡 HSR fan, slow on Genshin updates. Loves obscure RPGs
★彡 Streams art, rigging, shovelware games and just goofing off.
★彡 VERY scuffed. I stream from my lenovo laptop 😭
★彡 Occasionally works on own game!
★彡 Art for arts sake first and foremost

Razzy the Fan

★彡 22, she/they/it, Indian, QUEER Creechur !!
★彡 Metal Sonic kinnie (against my will)
★彡 Makes videos, sketch pages, illustrations, animations, assets and more!
★彡 Ship artist! Loves Sonadow, Sonknux, Metadow, Metamy the most
★彡 SFW Adult account! Be at least 16+. Themes include darker themes like drug abuse, medical malpractice, age difference ships between adults and others (All tagged)
★彡 PRO FICTION: This user believes that all fiction should exist and the responsibility is on the consumer to curate their experience

Rizzy Dizzy

★彡 22, she/they/it, taken but open, Queer FREAK!!!
★彡 Writer and doodler, occassional animations and illustrations
★彡 Metal Sonic is my muse 🫣
★彡 Positive to all kinks! No yucking any yum
★彡 PRO FICTION: This account does not believe in harassing anyone over fictional violence or taboo subjects explored. As long as it is tagged, the responsibility is on the consumer to curate their time online
★彡 Minor mutuals on other accounts are blocked here automatically
★彡 Don't take blocks personally please!<3